NSRA Affiliation No 2285
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association News Archive 2020
Page last updated on Monday, 6 January, 2025 2:34 PM
'The Chipperfield Ranges'
The above photograph gives a panoramic view of The Chipperfield Ranges, Baldwin's Gate, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 5EA.
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SSRA Memberships, Range Fees, And Chipperfield Range Standing Orders And Code Of Conduct
In order to shoot at the Chipperfield Ranges you must be a member of one of the following Membership Categories.
All users of the The Chipperfield Ranges, Baldwin's Gate, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 5EA, must be aware of and comply with the information contained within the Chipperfield Range Standing Orders and Code of Conduct.
Details of Chipperfield Range Fees.
Links To Other Websites
The Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association's website (www.staffordshire-sra.org.uk) contains links to other websites of interest. However, once you have selected any of the links in order to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over any other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites, and such sites are not governed by our own privacy statement.
Chipperfield Ranges, Baldwin's Gate - Outdoor Ranges - Booking Times - 19th October 2020 Onwards
Sunday, 4 October, 2020 12:31 PM
From Monday 19th October 2020, if you want to use A,B,C, or D ranges on a Saturday or a Sunday you will need to pre-book weekly via SSRA Secretary - no advance bookings - (no clubs, only individuals). The Chairman will then be informed of your requirements.
It is important to make sure all are safe, so please only come to the range on your allocated days, in accordance with all current social distancing guidelines etc.
If you are the last to leave, please make sure that the
range is closed and the flag is put away.
Chipperfield Ranges, Baldwin's Gate - Outdoor Ranges - Booking Times - 20th September 2020 Onwards
Tuesday, 8 September, 2020
From the 20th September 2020, if you want to use A,B,C, or D ranges on a Sunday you will need to pre-book weekly (no clubs, only individuals) with the SSRA Secretary who will then inform the Chairman of your requirements.
It is important to make sure all are safe, so please only come to the range on your allocated days, in accordance with all current social distancing guidelines etc.
If you are the last to leave, please make sure that the
range is closed and the flag is put away.
Chipperfield Ranges, Baldwin’s Gate - Indoor Air Weapons Range - Re-Opening Date
Tuesday, 8 September, 2020
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association is pleased to announce that the Baldwin’s Gate Indoor Air Weapons Range will be open once again from Tuesday 15th September 2020, in accordance with all current social distancing guidelines etc.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association - Air Section - Individual Leagues - Winter 2020/2021 - Cancelled
The Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association - Air Section - Individual Leagues - Winter 2020/2021, have, as of today Friday 21 August 2020, been cancelled.
This course of action has been taken in direct response to the ongoing threat posed by the Coronavirus situation, and that a number of indoor ranges are currently remaining closed.
It is hoped that the SSRA Air Section - Individual Leagues will be reinstated in Spring 2021, again dependant on the Coronavirus situation.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association apologises for any inconvenience caused. Any further updates will be posted on this website as soon as possible.
Keep safe and well
SSRA Combined Open Squadded Rifle Meeting 2019 - Return Of Trophies - Important Information
Calling all shooters who won trophies at last year's SSRA Combined Open Squadded Rifle Meeting 2019.
As you are aware, the above event for 2020 has had to be cancelled due to the Coronavirus situation. The usual return of the trophies in readiness for the following year's event is to be deferred.
The SSRA is therefore requesting that all those who won trophies at the SSRA Open 2019 to please keep them in their safe custody until June 2021. At this point, the SSRA Trophies Secretary will contact all those winners, with details of how and when to return their trophies in readiness for the 2021 event.
Thanking you in advance for your patience and understanding.
SSRA Guidance For The Reopening Of Baldwin's Gate Outdoor Ranges Only - Issued 15th June 2020
Baldwin’s Gate Range Instructions To Ensure We Can Shoot Safely
After a lot of discussions, the Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association has decided to open the outdoor ranges only for shooting, to begin from Monday 29th June 2020.
Please be aware that due to social distancing at the present time we have to allocate the times when you are able to attend Baldwin’s Gate. Only turn up for your allocated time.
R. Tilstone has already amended the range so that only
3 people are allowed to shoot on the 50 Metres/100 Yards Ranges:
· 50 Metres: Firing Points 3, 6, and 9
· 100 Yards: Firing Points 13,16, and 19
· The D Range: Only 3 people allowed at a time to shoot in there.
Please make sure when changing targets there are still 2 metres between each shooter.
The use of club equipment is prohibited (e.g. guns, telescopes mats.)
If the range bench rest is used, please sanitise when you have finished.
If someone in your household has symptoms, you should stay at home and not attend the range.
The toilets will be open, but they are not deep cleaned after each allocated slot, and their use is at your own risk. You can wash your hands, but in cold water only.
Each club will nominate one person to fill in the range sheet in the clubhouse, the time everyone arrives and the time of them leaving. This means only one person enters the clubhouse, and at the end of their session, they must make sure that all has been left clean and safe for the next club. Please make sure you bring your own pen, as none will be provided.
Please ensure social distancing at all times.
No food or drink to be prepared at the range. Bring your refreshments with you, and please take home all your rubbish.
Target Boards will be left out on the frames; these are the only firing points you should use. Please leave the boards on the frames.
No Coaching allowed.
Cleaning of equipment should be done at home.
When your range time has finished, do not hang around because the next group will wish to shoot.
Failure to abide by these rules and the allocated range times given to each club could lead to Disciplinary action.
If you feel you are not well, please do not attend the range.
Thanking you in advance for your co-operation and understanding.
The Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association Committee.
Chipperfield Ranges, Baldwin's Gate - Outdoor Range Booking Times
(Please Note: This is for Outdoor Ranges only - The Air Weapons Range is still closed)
We have to make sure all is safe so please only come to the range on your allocated days.
NSRA Guidance For The Re-Opening Of Shooting Clubs - (Updated 1st June 2020)
Shown below is the latest guidance issued by the NSRA in respect of the possible re-opening of shooting clubs. The original article appeared on the NSRA website at the following address:
Download a copy of the NSRA Guidance For The Re-Opening Of Shooting Clubs - (Updated 1st June 2020) in PDF Format
NSRA Guidance For The Re-Opening Of Shooting Clubs - (Issued 13th May 2020)
Shown below is the latest guidance issued by the NSRA in respect of the possible re-opening of shooting clubs. The original article appeared on the NSRA website at the following address:
"Following recent Government announcements relating to outdoor exercise, below is our initial guidance for clubs and members.
Whilst many clubs are still choosing to remain closed to maintain the safety of participants and the public, should you be considering opening your club, and your club committee feels the situation can be managed safely, then shooting may be recommenced in some form. It must be realised that this won’t necessarily apply to all disciplines or to all members.
Clubs have many differing disciplines, locations, facilities and circumstances under which they operate and it will not be possible for all clubs to restart their activities at this time.
The club committee has a duty of care to members and each club must decide if they are going to reopen and if their circumstances and the protocols they can put in place will meet the Government’s guidance. It is not currently possible for indoor ranges to reopen and we must also be aware that Home Countries have different regulations that may preclude starting any shooting activity at all.
It must also be noted that not all members may be able to use the club’s range(s) as the circumstances may not allow it. The club must decide whether this is something that they can justify in their context or if it will cause division within their organisation. Most importantly, people who are considered to be in vulnerable groups should stay at home in accordance with government guidelines and not use the range even if it is open to others. It is important to note that they almost certainly will not be covered by the club’s insurance as detailed below.
We have spoken to Bluefin, our insurers, and they have informed that there is no COVID-19 exclusion to the insurance but have pointed out that all insurance is based on not putting anyone at risk. In this case that means following the Government guidance and any NSRA Guidance that underpins it. Local Police forces may have a view on reopening clubs and they must always be consulted as part of this process. Be aware that there may be local restrictions in place and that restricted movement is not completely over.
The following points are listed for consideration when considering reopening but clearly need to be adapted to the club’s environment. The list is not exhaustive and local conditions may require additional provisions:
1. No indoor shooting.
2. Risk assessment - the club must assess the risk and produce a system to manage it.
3. Club system of managing the return to shooting communicated to all people using the range.
4. Also communicate to members that if they, or someone in their household, have symptoms stay at home and do not attend the club under any circumstances.
5. The range may be considered as outdoors, but how many ranges are completely outdoors? Does your range use what is effectively an indoor space at the firing point? If so then it may not be possible to restart shooting. Where there is any room for doubt, clubs and facilities should pursue the simplest and safest option.
6. Different Home Countries have different requirements (e.g. target shooting still would be prohibited in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).
7. No food or drink to be produced or consumed on the premises.
8. Promote effective hygiene to all those taking part in the activities at the club, in particular, the use of hand sanitiser.
9. Restrict use of any indoor areas (e.g. target sheds etc.).
10. If any indoor areas must be accessed restrict the number of people to maintain social distancing (e.g. one person in the target shed at any time or only certain individuals are allowed in the indoor area).
11. If indoor areas must be accessed doors should be kept open to encourage airflow.
12. Consideration must be given to how target frames or other target systems are put out and handled. Many will be too complex in shape to sanitise successfully. If this is the case ensure sufficient PPE is available. Hand sanitising after handling any equipment is crucial and people using the facilities must be made aware of this.
13. Target sales. The club must consider where these are stored and how is access to these managed or prohibited to prevent transmission.
14. Maintain a minimum of 2m at all times between people using the range – not only when shooting but also when changing targets. When on the range this will generally mean a minimum of 2 or 3 firing points between participants.
15. The number of people on the range at any one time must be calculated both to maintain physical distancing and to comply with guidance.
16. The club needs to organise a booking system to manage the numbers attending the range at one time. This will need rigorously managed time slots to ensure physical distancing can be maintained.
17. Manage arrival and departure times including changeover.
18. Manage the changeover of shooters to maintain physical distancing and sanitise any benches/tables/brass collection brushes etc. that are used.
19. When shooting is complete, make sure people leave. It’s nice to have a chat with friends but this will greatly increase the risk of infection.
20. Manage the opening of gates, locks, target sheds etc. and ensure they are sanitised at the end of a session.
21. Provide appropriate PPE for nominated persons carrying out duties as part of reopening.
22. Provide sanitising equipment and organise disposal of cleaning cloths etc.
23. If a toilet is in use ensure that sanitising equipment is in place and used. Toilets should only be open where hand washing and deep cleaning procedures can take place.
24. Encourage the use of PPE by participants as appropriate.
25. Prohibit the use of club shooting equipment (e.g. guns, telescopes, mats etc.).
26. A log needs to be kept of people present at the range with their arrival and leaving times, not only for the normal completing of firearms and attendance logs, but also for “track and trace” purposes.
27. Cleaning of equipment should be done at home and not on site.
In the same way that shooters are keen to get back to their sport so are coaches and instructors. Due to the changes in operating practice, it will not be possible to introduce new people to shooting at this time but coaches and instructors may wish to work with current shooters.
This should only take place on a one to one basis. Depending on the circumstances, this may create issues with coaching participants less than 18 years of age. Please see our Child Protection Policy for more details. If coaches and instructors are to be present during shooting they must be taken into account when booking the range facilities and not fall outside the permitted numbers and spacing.
It is insufficient for them just to turn up along with a shooter. They must maintain safe distancing, avoid handling any shooters equipment and not be in close personal contact with their shooters at any time. They must observe all aspects of the government and NSRA guidance along with the other people using the range.
The problem with many of these issues is the management of the situation. Don’t rely on people making up their own ways of implementing the guidance. It is often easier to have a nominated person to open and close the range, allocate firing points, book people in and book the firearms in the firearms register, disinfect and put targets out, disinfect benches and other structures after use. This limits exposure.
Also the shooting needs to be supervised – not
only in the normal sense of a RCO but also to ensure compliance with the
very different circumstances in which we find ourselves. Shooters are used
to following strict rules whilst taking part in their sport and have an excellent
track record of safety. Let’s keep it that way in shooting and through
this difficult time both on and off the
The NSRA are not experts on pandemics and therefore all UK Government and Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) guidelines and directives supersede this information. The NSRA has created this set of guidelines to translate the National guidance to give recommendations to members and clubs.
This document will be updated subject to more information and guidance becoming available.
The current government guidance can be found at:
Stay safe."
Download a copy of the NSRA Guidance For The Re-Opening Of Shooting Clubs - (Issued 13th May 2020) in PDF Format
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association - Combined Open Squadded Rifle Meeting 2020 - Cancelled
Saturday, 2 May, 2020 12:51 PM
The Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association - Combined Open Squadded Rifle Meeting 2020 - which is normally held in early August on the weekend before the National Championships at Bisley each year, has unfortunately had to be cancelled for 2020.
This course of action has been taken in direct response to the ongoing threat posed by the Coronavirus situation.
As we go through these difficult times we wish you well, and look forward to meeting you at the 2021 meeting, planned to be held in August 2021.
Full details will be published next year, where a downloadable form will be available in May 2021
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association apologises for any inconvenience caused.
Keep safe and well.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association - Air Section - Individual Leagues - Summer 2020 - Cancelled
Tuesday, 24 March, 2020 10:52 AM
The Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association - Air Section - Individual Leagues - which were due to run from Monday 30th March 2020 until Sunday 23rd August 2020, have, as of today Tuesday, 24 March, 2020 been cancelled.
This course of action has been taken in direct response to the ongoing threat posed by the Coronavirus.
It is hoped that the Air Section - Individual Leagues - Winter 2020/2021 will resume later this year, dependant on the Coronavirus situation.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association apologises for any inconvenience caused. Any further updates will be posted on this website as soon as possible.
Keep safe and well.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association Protocol Regarding Coronavirus - Latest Update March 21, 2020
Saturday, 21 March, 2020 12:55 PM
As from today - Saturday, 21 March 2020 - the whole of the Chipperfield Ranges Complex at Baldwins Gate will remain closed until further notice.
This is an amendment to the original Range Closure Protocol published on this website on Tuesday 17th March 2020, and supersedes all previous versions.
This course of action has been taken in direct response to the ongoing threat posed by the Coronavirus.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association will continue to review the situation, and if things change you will be informed as soon as possible.
The well-being and protection of all our shooters, and all those who attend the ranges is of paramount importance.
Anyone found using these ranges during this time of enforced closure will be doing so illegally, and will be reported to the police.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association apologises for any inconvenience caused. Any further updates will be posted on this website as soon as possible.
Keep safe and well.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association Protocol Regarding Coronavirus
Tuesday, 17 March, 2020 4:40 PM
As from today - Tuesday 17th March 2020 - the Indoor 10 Metres Air Weapons Range (which is located at The Chipperfield Range, Baldwins Gate) will be closed until mid-April 2020, when the situation will be reviewed.
Additionally, if you wish to shoot on the outdoor range, you must leave one firing point clear from other shooters. This protocol will also be reviewed if things change.
This course of action has been taken in direct response to the ongoing threat posed by the Coronavirus.
The well-being of all who attend the range is of paramount importance.
SSRA apologises for any inconvenience caused. Any further updates will be posted on this website as soon as possible.
Keep safe and well.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association - Committee Meeting
Thursday, 4 June, 2020 1:36 PM
The next SSRA Committee Meeting will take place on Sunday 14th June 2020, commencing at 11:00am prompt.
The venue being The Chipperfield Ranges, Baldwin's Gate, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 5EA.
For full details see the Events Calendar.
Staffordshire County Team Members - 2019/2020
The following shooters will represent Staffordshire in the NSRA (610) Inter-County Association League 2019/2020
The following shooters will represent Staffordshire in the NSRA (611) Inter-County Reserves League 2019/2020
Staffordshire County Reserves Team 2019/2020 | ||||
R. Tilstone
G. Abbotts | V. Tyne | J. Hibbert | S. Adams |
J. Kemp | J. Hickson | L. Featherstone | J. Tyne | G. Delaney |
The following shooters will represent Staffordshire in the NSRA (612) Inter-County Women's League 2019/2020
Staffordshire County Women's Team 2019/2020 | ||||
R. Andrews
M. Bayley
Y. Bave
K. Dillon | J. Maher
The following shooters will represent Staffordshire in the NSRA (660) Inter-County Air Rifle League 2019/2020
D. Walker
D. Ravenhill | T. Pawley | P. Barker | K. Halfpenny |
O.J. Spence (Substitute) - Replaces K. Halfpenny |
The following shooters will represent Staffordshire in the NSRA (680) Inter-County Air Pistol League 2019/2020
V. Jagiello
S. Turner | D. Paskin | D. Hill | B. Lewin |
Medals And Memorabilia
The above photographic montage shows a selection of Staffordshire County Association Medals, and a ceramic Staffordshire Rifle Association Centenary Mug.
It's time for another trip down Memory Lane, as we unearth a few items of interest from days gone-bye.
Just what are the items pictured above, and what is their relevance to the Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association?
The two images of medals shown at the bottom of the montage, as shown above, are of two new additions to the collection.
All can now be revealed by visiting the Medals and Memorabilia section of the website.
Range Fees For The Year 2021 Only - Applicable To Currently Affiliated Clubs
Tuesday, 8 December, 2020 3:46 PM
The Committee of the Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association has agreed that as a goodwill gesture for the problems that Covid-19 has caused at Baldwin’s Gate this year, with the committee having to close the range and then open it with Clubs being given days and times that they could shoot, and then having to close it again, the Range Fees for currently Affiliated Clubs during 2021 only, will be £20.00 per Adult and £10.00 per Junior. The daily rate stays the same, i.e. £5.00.
Please, all keep safe, as we only have a few weeks left of this year, and so hopefully a few months into the new year things will start to get back to normal and we can all enjoy out shooting as we did before.
Range Fees
Annual Range Fees 2020
Adult Members of Affiliated Clubs, Association Clubs and Individual Members of the Association may pay a one-off fee per year of £36.00, which entitles them to as many visits as they wish to make during the year.
Junior Members (up to 21 years of age) of Affiliated Clubs, Association Clubs and Individual members of the Association may pay a one-off fee per year of £17.50, which entitles them to as many visits as they wish to make during the year.
This fee is due by 1st January each year.
Please make your cheque payable to Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association.
Please include your name, and the name of the Club to which you belong, and a SAE for acknowledgement.
For further details of where to send your completed membership form and cheque, please contact via e-mail in the first instance, the SSRA Secretary whom will then forward to you via e-mail all the relevant details.
Daily Range Fees 2020
Adult Daily Range Fee (including Guests) £5.00
Junior Daily Range Fee (up to 21 years of age) £2.50
Disabled Shooters - Do You Need A Dispensation?
Are you a shooter with a disability, and whom would like to compete in target shooting? If the answer is yes, then you may find the following article a very interesting read.
The full article appears on the Disabled Shooting Project website, and a small excerpt taken from that article is shown below.
Excerpt taken from the Disabled Shooting Project - Dispensation Information Article
Do you need a Dispensation?
Question: What is it for?
Answer: It allows less able and disabled shooters to take part in competitions.
At present the National Smallbore Rifle Association is the only national governing body to have this arrangement for full integration of disabled and non-disabled shooters in almost all of its competitions.
The DSP has been working with other governing bodies regarding arrangements that may make competitions in other target shooting disciplines more accessible for disabled shooters.
The National Rifle Association allows dispensations for competitors at its national meetings. The CPSA is considering whether this sort of scheme will be appropriate for disabled clay target shooters.
The NSRA's Dispensation System
Part 1 – The Problem.
Many people in target shooting have some physical reason for not being able to shoot with entirely 'conventional' equipment or technique. If this means that they do not comply with the standard technical rules, on the face of it they cannot take part in competitions shot under those rules.
These people range from those who have a relatively minor condition to those with significant disabilities. In some cases the reason may be temporary, but for the majority, it is permanent.
Some of these shooters only need to make minor changes to their technique, or to use a helpful gadget; others have tailor-made equipment and are unable to adopt any of the conventional prone, standing or kneeling positions.
Part 2 – The Solution.
For quite a few years now, the NSRA has had a system for allowing such people to take part in most of the competitions run under NSRA rules. This includes the majority of domestic championships, leagues and open shoots.
Any shooter who falls within the field outlined in Part 1 may apply to the Association for a dispensation. If it is granted, he or she can take part in competitions run under NSRA rules.
In the first decade of the 21st century, the NSRA issued dispensations to approximately 60 shooters. Some have more than one because they shoot more than one discipline.
End of excerpt taken from the Disabled Shooting Project - Dispensation Information Article
To view the article in full, which gives a much more in depth explanation of dispensations and how to apply, please visit the Disabled Shooting Project - Dispensation Information webpage.
In addition, you can view and download from this website, by selecting the following link, a Disabled Shooters Dispensation Information Leaflet.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association Team Banner
SSRA Committee Members Steve Rowe (pictured left) and County Captain Dave Glover (pictured right) proudly display the new Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association Team Banner.
Surely, the above photograph is enough to strike fear into the opposition at various shooting competitions in the future.
No, not the two chaps from the SSRA Committee who are pictured in the photograph, although they are excellent shots in their own right. But the mere sight of the brand new Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association Team Banner being unfurled at competitions will be enough to give the opposing teams the shakes before the shooting commences, as it heralds the presence of the Staffordshire Team.
The Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association Team when participating in events around the country will proudly display the banner. This will undoubtedly help to further promote the team, and add a touch of colourful charisma to their attendance.
Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association Blazer Badge
This beautifully created cloth blazer badge, with silver bullion wire detailing upon a blue background, depicts the Stafford Knot with the words 'Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association' encompassing the central design. This striking design is mounted on a black background to further enhance the badge.
Anyone that is affiliated to Staffordshire SRA, usually through affiliated club membership, can purchase a badge - irrespective of which county he or she may live in.
If you would like to purchase one of these very desirable badges, the SSRA has a limited number in stock at a price of only £12 per badge, plus postage.
To place your order, and for further details of how to pay, please email your contact details to Trophies Secretary.
News From Around The Clubs
In this section of the website, Clubs which are affiliated to the Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association may submit a brief item of news, which will then be considered for inclusion on the SSRA website.
If your Club has any potentially newsworthy items (other than the usual club-specific day-to-day items) that you may wish to be considered, then please contact the SSRA Website Manager.
This Website Is Now RSS News Feed Enabled
What is RSS?
RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites.
In the ‘old days’ of the web, to keep track of updates on a website, you had to ‘bookmark’ websites in your browser and manually return to them on a regular basis to see what had been added.
Some of the problems with just bookmarking your favourite websites are:
1. You, as the web surfer, had to do all the work.
2. It can get complicated when you are trying to track many websites at once.
3. You miss information when you forget to check your bookmarks.
4. You end up seeing the same information over and over again on sites that
don’t update very often.
RSS Changes Everything
What if you could tell a website to let you know every time that they update? In a sense, this is what RSS does for you.
RSS is a technology that provides you with a method of getting relevant and up to date information sent to you, for you to read in your own time. It saves you time, and helps you to get the information you want quickly after it was published.
RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’. Many people describe it as a ‘news feed’ that you subscribe to.
You can easily set up an RSS News Feed account from within your own email programme - for example Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird etc.
There are even 'Stand Alone' RSS Readers available to download for free.
In addition, web based email providers such as Yahoo or Google offer an RSS Reader service.
For a far more in depth explanation of what RSS feeds and readers are all about, please visit the following website: the What Is RSS Website.
News Archives Section
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2024, please visit the News Archive for 2024.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2023, please visit the News Archive for 2023.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2022, please visit the News Archive for 2022.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2021, please visit the News Archive for 2021.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2020, please visit the News Archive for 2020.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2019, please visit the News Archive for 2019.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2018, please visit the News Archive for 2018.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2017, please visit the News Archive for 2017.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2016, please visit the News Archive for 2016.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2015, please visit the News Archive for 2015.
To view a selection of the stories and updates from throughout 2014, please visit the News Archive for 2014.
Check The Location Of The Chipperfield Ranges Using The Interactive Google Map
You can now plan your route to the Chipperfield Ranges by using the embedded Google Map, which can be found on the Contact and Location Details webpage, also on the Facilities webpage.
Copyright © Staffordshire Smallbore Rifle Association - NSRA Affiliation No 2285
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